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So live music nights didn't advertise their admissions?


Looking at these intriguing pages, two things surprise me:
(i) how few of the events were held in the centro; (ii) how early in the afternoon the events were held - starting times of 19h, 20h, even 16h. Sounds wonderful to me!


Dmitry, the live shows did advertise their admissions prices a bit more often during 1943, but not by any means always. In 1944, prices were given less often. I'm not sure why. A few ads say "at popular prices," so it might just be that people knew they were going to be charged $3 for men and $1 for women at a live show, unless a lower price was advertised. Also, many people were regulars at the clubs they attended, so they already knew the entry fee. So no need to broadcast it.... I guess you could ring them if you needed to know the price....

Jamie, there were eight or ten fancy/expensive cabarets/boites/nightclubs in the centro like Casanova, Marabu, Tibidabo, Marzotto and others that ran larger display ads on other pages, either before or after the main "Dance Guide" advertising pages. Rarely more than one or two a day, however. I have featured some of those in previous posts. Unfortunately, in my initial data collection I did not capture all of those, but I will in the future and I will.

As for starting times, remember that this post shows the listings for a Sunday! Starting and ending times were earlier on a Sunday, much later on Friday and Saturday. Good observation!!!

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