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Michael Lavocah

$1 ARG (1940) = $3 USD today - feels right, but I wonder how you came up with that?

Dmitry Pruss

BTW we don't see different lead vs. follow admissions in the US, and I wonder if it is a cultural norm or a legal rule, and how did it evolve?

Dmitry Pruss


Michael, Dmitry Pruss and I worked this out when we were discussing my post about the Di Sarli gig at the Argentine Bartender's Association.

Wikipedia has a an article on the historical exchange rate of the peso. It shows that one peso was worth about 25 cents US in 1946. Then we used to determine that 25 cents in 1946 was worth about $3 in today's dollars.


Dmitry, I suspect the difference in entry prices for men and women was an acknowledgment of the inequity in employment of the time.

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