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The puzzle is solved, but researching and fitting all the pieces together takes an incredible amount of time.

This leaves questions in my mind: why did Fiore leave Troilo's orchestra after so much success? a new style? artistic expression?

Fascinating for all Troilo fanatics to know the story.


I don't know what was going through Fiorentino's mind. But during this period, Castillo had left Tanturi, Goñi had left Troilo, Rufino had left Di Sarli, and all had become wildly popular in their own right. So the temptation of greater public acclaim and more money were certainly present. No matter how long he stayed with Pichuco, he would always have been an employee with second billing. Most artists would prefer top billing if they can get it!

Also the opportunity for greater creative freedom--choosing his own songs and supervising his own arrangements, etc., must have been an issue. I'm sure there were people in his life who encouraged him to go solo--friends, fans, an agent, possibly even a record company, as was the case with Rufino. Perhaps there is some record of his thoughts on the matter. Maybe another one of our readers can tell us?

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