Welcome to Tango Decoder! This blog is devoted to "decoding" the Spanish-language lyrics of Golden Age tangos by rendering them in plain English. We do not attempt to imitate the rhythms or the rhyme scheme of the original song—that can be appreciated simply by listening to the recordings. Our interest is in the meaning of the song as a whole and the sometimes puzzling words, poetic images, and idiomatic phrases that appear in it. It is our hope that knowing the meaning will enhance your enjoyment of the music as you listen and as you dance.
Each new translation is published here first, then announced via the Facebook page Tango Lyrics & Translations. We also maintain a FB gateway at "Tango Decoder."
Use the link above to search all of our existing titles courtesy of the Tango Translation Database.
Thanks for visiting Tango Decoder! We don't take requests per se, but if there is a song you're particulary interested in, let us know by leaving a comment below. Who knows? We might get interested, too!
Are comments welcome?
Posted by: Tango Decoder | 10/15/2014 at 11:12 AM