Subtitled Video #61: MONOTONÍA ("Monotony") Lomuto/Omar
MONOTONÍA ("Monotony") Tango, 1936 Composer: Hugo Gutiérrez Lyricist: Carlos Bahr
Recorded by Orquesta Típica Francisco Lomuto with vocal by Jorge Omar, 3 December 1936.
Spanish lyrics transcribed by Fernando Seco. English-language version and subtitles by Michael Krugman for
Dedicate to Theresa Faus, with gratitude.
A tumbos va el carretón, triqui-ti-tran Con su molida canción, triqui-ti-tran Tullido por achaques del camino Vencido por el tiempo y la distancia Gruñiendo su cansancio en el crujido Monótono y pesado de su triqui-ti-tran Domando la pampa va, triqui-ti-tran, el carretón.
Dormita sobre el pértigo el boyero El tedio de la huella persistente Y a veces picaneando al delantero Parece de repente despertar Y siempre cielo azul y pampa verde Surcado por la proa del camino Y siempre ese chirrido persistente Que arrulla el carretero en su cantar
The cart goes jolting onward, triqui-ti-tran With its exhausted song, triqui-ti-tran Crippled by ailments of the road Vanquished by time and distance Groaning its fatigue in the slow, monotonous creaking of its triqui-ti-tran Taming the pampa it goes, triqui-ti-tran, the cart.
Snoozing on the shaft of the cart, the ox-driver, The tedium of the endless path and at times goading the lead ox it seems suddenly to awaken and always blue sky and green pampa parted by the prow of the road and always this endless creaking that lulls the cart driver by its singing.
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