So many tangos sing of heartbreak, betrayal, and lost love. Here's one from Enrique Rodriguez that celebrates the glory of love with great tenderness, relegating suffering to the past. Very refreshing! Original castellano and TD's English version are interspersed verse-for-verse. Scroll down for video.
Que lo sepa el mundo entero (1943)
(Let the whole world know her love is mine)
Letra : Rodolfo Sciammarella
Música : Enrique Rodríguez
Cómo ha cambiado mi vida,
Cómo ha cambiado mi suerte,
Terminaron mi tristeza,
Mi tortura y mi pobreza
En la gloria de quererte.
How my life has changed,
how my luck has changed.
My sadness, my torture,
and my deprivation have ended
in the glory of loving you.
Cómo ha cambiado mi vida,
Cómo ha cambiado mi suerte,
Nunca en el mundo he tenido,
Nada más lindo y querido
Que tu corazón.
How my life has changed,
how my luck has changed.
Never in life have I had anything
so fine and so dear as your heart.
Suena, tango, suena
Con las notas del amor.
Sound, tango, sound
the notes of love.
Que lo repita tu bandoneón
Y en la cadencia de tu violín,
Y que sepa el mundo entero
Todo lo que yo la quiero.
Let it be repeated by your bandoneón
and the cadence of your violin,
and let the whole world know
that I love her.
Ya que tú fuiste el testigo fiel
Del romance de nosotros dos,
Vibren nuestras alegrías
Al requiebro de tu son.
Since you were the faithful witness
to the romance between us two,
may our joys resonate
with the flirtation of your sound.
Suena, tango, suena
Que hoy es mío su querer...
Sound, tango, sound
that today her love is mine.
English version Copyright © 2014 by Tango Decoder (Michael Krugman)