“If you were to come back, Jesus, you’d have to bear your cross all over again....”
Si volviera Jesús (If Jesus came back)
Music: Joaquín Mora
Lyric: Dante A. Linyera
Recording: Miguel Caló y su Orquesta Típica; canta Carlos Dante.
Si Volviera Jesus - Caló/Dante - '35
It’s been twenty centuries, pale Jesus,
That you’ve been staring dully at the world, nailed to your cross;
Twenty centuries that on your sorrowful planet
Those crazy humans have been playing the game of war.
Selfishness drenches you with the blood of hatred and hunger,
Pilate and the Pharisees are still in charge
And, if you returned in this century,
Judas would sell you out, just like last time.
If you were to come back, Jesus,
They’d be forced to crucify you
all over again.
The woman deceives
And the man rages,
And there’s neither light nor bread
For the wretched of the earth,
Who still believe, God bless them,
That goodness exists...
If you were to come back, Jesus,
You’d have to bear your cross all over again.
Injustice prevails. Where is all that love
You preached, Sweet Savior?
Mary Magdalene walks the streets,
Pock-marked, starving...The passions rule...
And still it’s business as usual.
The innocent suffers, no one pays any attention...
How right you were! Terrifyingly right!
Oh, Jesus, your dominion was not over this earth!
Veinte siglos hace, pálido Jesús,
que miras al mundo clavado en tu cruz;
veinte siglos hace que en tu triste tierra
los locos mortales juegan a la guerra.
Sangre de odio y hambre vierte el egoísmo,
Caifás y Pilato gobiernan lo mismo
Y, si en este siglo de nuevo volvieras,
lo mismo que entonces Judas te vendiera.
Si volviera Jesús,
otra vez en la cruz
lo harían torturar.
La mujer engaña
y el hombre se ensaña,
y no hay sol ni pan
para el pobrecito
que aún cree, bendito,
que existe bondad...
Si volvieras, Jesús,
otra vez con tu cruz
tendrías que cargar.
La injusticia impera. ¿Dónde está el amor
que tú predicaste, dulce Redentor?
Magdalena vaga por los callejones
apedreada, hambrienta... Mandan las pasiones...
Ya todo se compra y todo se vende.
La inocencia sufre, nadie la comprende...
¡Qué razón tenías! ¡Qué razón que aterra!
¡Oh, Jesús, tu reino no era de la tierra!