Tres Esquinas, Nostalgias, Muñeca Brava, Nunca tuvo novio, Tengo mil novias, Nieblas de Riachuelo, Compadrón, Madame Ivonne, Llorar por una mujer, Garúa, Si la llegaran a ver, No vendrá....
Do any of these song titles ring a bell? Well, the lyrics for these and 131 other tangos, valses, and milongas were all penned by one man, Enrique Cadícamo (1900-1999). There's lots of info about Cadícamo on the web, so anything I'd write about would probably be redundant—other than my own deep personal admiration for his oevre. But search as I might, nowhere do I find an Enrique Cadícamo word-cloud! So, in tribute to this great poet of the tango, I give you the top 100 words appearing in Cadicamo's 143 lyrics, neatly arranged and brightly colored. Have a look, and feel free to make your own interpretations!
[Click on the word-cloud to view the full-size image in a new window. Much more legible!] See also Tango Decoder's Enrique Santos Discépolo word-cloud. Compare and contrast....
Many thanks to Jonathan Feinberg, creator of Wordle, for making this word-cloud possible.