"Each time I call you with greater anxiety; each time that 'no' is said more coldly... I am to blame, I was living in another world, and now I’m waking up to reality...."
No está (She's not here)
Tango, 1942
Music and lyrics: José Bohr
On YouTube:
• Alberto Podestá sings with Orquesta Típica Carlos Di Sarli
• Danced by Alicia Pons & Jason Laughlin
Cada vez que te llamo me dicen: ¡No está! Que caso tan extraño, ¿por qué será? Será que tu cariño se aparta ya del mío, ¿será que mi cariño cansándote está? Cada vez yo te llamo con más ansiedad,
Yo te quiero, yo te quise y te querré...
Igual que todas, tus promesas fueron vanas...
Hoy, mañana, cada día, siempre igual... A cada instante llamarás, con ansia loca pedirás,
Each time I call you they say “She’s not here!” What a strange situation! How could that be? Could it be that you've withdrawn your affection? Could it be that you’re tiring of my caresses? Each time I call you with greater anxiety; I love you, I loved you, and I will love you... The same as all the rest, your promises were in vain... Now, tomorrow, each day, always the same... Every time you’ll call, with wild anxiety you’ll ask; |