Cualquier cosa (Whatever it took)
Tango, 1927
Words and music: Herminia Velich / Juan Velich
Listen on YouTube:
• Ignacio Corsini (1929)
• Raúl Berón w/ Aníbal Troilo (1952)
• Mario Alonso w/ Francisco Canaro (1952)
• Angel Vargas w/ Armando Lacava (1952)
Cualquier cosa resultaste para que un hombre derecho tu maldad tomara a pecho entregándose al "splin". Con tu acción me comprobaste lo que de ti suponía que tu amor me sonreía para lograr otro fin.
Loca mía,
Tus divinos ojos verdes |
You did whatever it took Wanton woman,* Your divine green eyes |
* O, wanton woman: Loca mía. The word loca means "crazy woman," but the alternate reading, "whore," is probably more apt here. "Wanton woman" is intended to cover both senses.
* noxious weed: flor de cerco, literally "fence flower." Possibly a reference to the Cardo común (Carduus acanthoides), a thistle-like flowering plant in the sunflower family, a relative of the artichoke, that is an invasive weed of Latin America. Its stalk bears tiny spines that may cause considerable pain when touched, not unlike the lady in the song.