Un dilema (A dilemma)
Words: Enrique Cadícamo
Music: Julio De Caro
Recorded: 1942 by Julio De Caro with Augustín Volpe
(video follows text)
Tango Decoder's version of UN DILEMA is inspired by and dedicated to Theresa Faus.
Other Tango Decoder versions by Enrique Cadícamo:
Argañaraz • Compadrón • El cuarteador • Muñeca brava • No vendrá • Si la llegaran a ver • Tres esquinas • Tu llamado
Yo soñaba con ella un Edén, Dilema Que misterios que encierra el amor |
In my dreams she was an Eden, happy paradise... all in bloom. I never thought, ever, that Eden might stagger before another love... Now the force of a strange and great love casts that landscape in shadow... What must I do, heart, what must I do, the dilemma, here it is, unresolved. Dilemma the subject is complex... What am I to do, I ask, ...forget her... love her... stop loving her. Dilemma the two loves burn, fate is deciding it, and in my life remains that one... which God wills. [Love holds such mysteries that which yesterday was but a dream, today ceases to be... I walk the path of a new love as before... the eternal dreamer... I don’t know what the ending is to be... But I worry, because I’m a romantic, what am I supposed to do, heart, what am I supposed to do? The dilemma, here it is, unresolved.] |