"They knew nothing of cocaine and morphine; the guys back then didn’t even use hair gel!"
TIEMPOS VIEJOS/Te acordás, hermano?
(Old Times/Do you remember, brother?)
Tango, 1926
Music: Francisco Canaro
Lyrics: Manuel Romero
Tiempos Viejos on YouTube:
Orquesta Francisco Canaro with Antonio Maida
Rafael Canaro with Aldo Campoamor
Carlos Gardel
Osvaldo Pugliese with Abel Cordoba
Armando Pontier with Julio Sosa
[Illus.: Gomina Brancato was a type of hair gel popularized by Carlos Gardel and other tango musicians of the Golden Age.]
¿Te acordás, hermano? ¡Qué tiempos aquellos! ¿Te acordás, hermano, la rubia Mireya
Do you remember, brother? What times those were! Where are the guys from back then? Do you remember, brother, that blonde Mireya,
* Hair gel: Gomina Brancato was a type of hair gel popularized by Carlos Gardel and other tango musicians of the Golden Age. A similar preparation could be made at home using gum tragacanth.
* Laura's dances: "Lo de Laura" was an early tango dance hall hosted by "la morocha" Laura Montserrat in the last years of the nineteenth century. It was located in Recoleta at Paraguay 2512. Laura's was luxurious, had a select clientele, and often featured the pianist "el negro" Rosendo Medizábal (1868-1913), composer of "El entrerriano," believed to be the oldest tango in the modern repertoire.
* el guapo Rivera: The name of is given differently in different versions of the song: "el loco Cepeda," "el loco Rivera," or "el guapo Rivera." Stealing the girlfriend of a lunatic (possibly just a kook, a nut, or a person of low social standing) would have been of minor significance, but stealing the girlfriend of a guapo would have been a big deal, because a guapo was a highly respected, influential figure in the arrabal, and would have been very good with a knife.
Hansens's place: The narrator recalls stealing the girl Mireya from someone at Lo de Hansen, a well known restaurant and dance hall sometimes credited as the birthplace of tango. The mention of both Laura and Hansen place the action of the song clearly in the period around the end of the nineteenth century, twenty-five years "abriles" (years) before the song was written.