Here's an interesting slice of tango history: The Jewish-community radio station Matinee Radial Hebrea (Jewish Radio Matinee) hosts a dance in the Salón Principe Jorge (Prince George Hall) featuring Jewish tango bandleader Ramón Damp and jazzman Eduardo Muratore. This ad appears prominently in the El Mundo newspaper "Dance Guide" for Sunday June 18, 1944:
The Prince George Hall, at Sarmiento 1230, was a meeting hall with a long history of conferences, political rallies, and milongas. We've seen it on TD before, in our previous post, Balance Sheet for a Di Sarli Fundraiser.
Damp was definitely Jewish. We don't know about Muratore.... but we do know that the same pairing, Muratore/Damp, appeared at a dance sponsored by the Circulo Israelita Argentino three months later. Maybe he was simply popular in the Jewish community, or maybe he had an all-Jewish violin section! Who knows? Further research is needed....
Well, one can imagine all sorts of things, can't one? Like both orchestras ending the evening with a spirited tango-jazz medley of La Cumparsita, La Tarantella, and Hava Nagilah? Followed by a wild 3 a.m. chacarera? Far vos nisht? (Why not?)