Amadeo Mandarino was a gifted singer whose long, illustrious career included stints with Pulgiese, Troilo, and many others.
Marzotto was a fancy bar and restaurant near the Obelisco that, according to my information, did not have a dance floor. People went there to eat and drink and "listen" to live music. Fancy that.
The ad below announces Mandarino fronting an orchestra directed by A. Fanuele "playing one of his big hits, the candombe-milonga Charol." The song had been recorded a few months earlier by Alberto Castillo before an orchestra directed by Emiliano Balcarce. (I'm guessing that Mandarino had performed it on the radio, hence the "big hit" status.)
[El Mundo "Dance Guide," 16 September 1944]
Here's Castillo's recording of Charol: