"I know that in the wee hours, when you leave those wild parties, you feel your heart burdened by a fond memory, and you start to cry...."
PERO...YO SÉ (But...I know)
Tango, 1942
Words and music by Azucena Maizani
Our subtitled video follows. Scroll down for side-by side Spanish and English lyrics. A complete playlist of all our subtitled tangos is here.
Llegando la noche
recién te levantas
y sales ufano
a buscar un beguén.*
Lucís con orgullo
tu estampa elegante
sentado muy muelle
en tu regia baqué.
Paseás por Corrientes,
paseas por Florida,
te das una vida
mejor que un pachá.
De regios programas
tenés a montones...
Con clase y dinero
de todo tendrás.
Pero yo sé que metido
vivís penando un querer,
que querés hallar olvido
cambiando tanta mujer...
Yo sé que en las madrugadas,
cuando las farras dejás,
sentís tu pecho oprimido
por un recuerdo querido
y te ponés a llorar.
Con tanta aventura,
con toda tu andanza,
llevaste tu vida
tan sólo al placer.
Con todo el dinero
que siempre has tenido
todos tus caprichos
lograste vencer.
Pensar que ese brillo
que fácil ostentas
no sabe la gente
que es puro disfraz.
Tu orgullo de necio muy bien los engaña...
No quieres que nadie
lo sepa jamás.
Night is falling You’ve just awakened and happily you set out to pick up your latest conquest.
You show off with pride your elegant appearance seated very comfortably in your snazzy sports car.
You drive along Corrientes, your drive along Florida, you lead a life better than any pasha.
You’ve got piles of magnificent plans... With money and class you’ll have all of that.
But I know that inside you’re still grieving for a love that you’re trying to forget by changing women all the time.
I know that in the wee hours, when you leave those wild parties, you feel your heart burdened by a fond memory and you start to cry.
With so many affairs, with all your adventures, you dedicated your life to pleasure alone.
With all the money you’ve always had you’ve managed to conquer your every desire.
To think that this brilliance that you facilely flaunt, people don’t know that it’s pure disguise.
Your foolish pride fools them completely... You hoped that no one would ever know.
Azucena Maizani (1928)