Tango is the unique, improvisational partner-dance of Argentina and Uruguay. With a 150-year history, it is currently danced by millions worldwide for enjoyment, for exercise, as therapy, and as an art. Tango’s special appeal and value lies in its rhythmically varied, expressive movements and pauses that are shared by two partners moving as one.
Tango Spiral Locomotion is a two-day, guided tour of the supple, spiraling movements of tango via the Feldenkrais Method® of movement education.* Recognize and nurture the naturally perfect tango movements that are already there, inside of you, just waiting to be discovered. Experience your body, your movements, and your dance in a new and pleasurable way.
[Photo: Florence Walton and Maurice Mouvet, Paris 1911.]
Tango Spiral Locomotion offers valuable insights and experiences for anyone who moves. The program is geared for dancers of all levels, from expert to beginner, and those without prior dance experience. The benefits of Tango Spiral Locomotion are as follows:
All participants will...
• Experience a non-judgmental learning environment emphasizing pleasure and ease in movement.
• Combine familiar movements in new and surprisingly pleasurable ways.
• Achieve enhanced self-awareness and dynamic coordination for dance and life.
• Acquire a vocabulary of basic movements that you can use to create your own improvised tango dance. (This provides an excellent somatic foundation for subsequent tango learning!)
Experienced tango dancers will gain new and often surprising insights into familiar tango movements. You will:
• Experience greater pleasure, precision, variety, and ease in dance.
• Improve dynamic coordination of head and neck, chest and ribs, hips and legs.
• Enhance non-verbal communication with your partner.
• Discover a wider range of emotional expression in your dance.
• Acquire new strategies for sharing and teaching tango and other dances.
The Tango Spiral Locomotion curriculum includes a mix of classic Awareness Through Movement® lessons, original movement experiments and games, improvisational movement based on tango. Each module of the course includes learning material for dancers and movers at all skill levels. It is informative, fascinating, and fun.
Tango Spiral Locomotion will visit selected cities in North America in Fall 2016 and Europe in Spring 2017. Contact Michael Krugman to schedule a program in your area.
Michael Krugman has been a movement teacher and trainer for over twenty-five years. He has taught the Feldenkrais Method® of movement education since 1987. He founded the Sounder Sleep System® in 1999 and has trained over 300 teachers of the system in 15 countries. His book, The Insomnia Solution, was published by Warner Books in 2005.
[Photo: Michael Krugman and friend, TangoAmadeus, Vienna 2015]
An avid learner and dancer of tango dance since 2009, Michael has recently returned from a year of teaching, study, and research in Argentina and Uruguay, where he now makes his home. He is a member of the Argentine Feldenkrais Association, Argentina's professional organization for teachers of the Feldenkrais Method®.
* Feldenkrais Method® and Sounder Sleep System® are registered trademarks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America® and Michael Krugman, respectively.