Juan Carlos Báez (via Todotango, English by Tango Decoder)
La billetera es un cuero,
Chaleco es camisulín,
A wallet is “a leather,”
*Reverse: Vesre is slang in which the letters of a word are transposed. Hence “cabo” is “boca.”
*fioca: Var. of cafishio, “pimp”
*bolonqui: Vesre for quilombo, “brawl”
*heel-cutter: Police captains used to cut off the heel of one of a captive compadrito’s boots to humiliate them.
*shushetín: dandyish
*bacanazo: big shot, bon vivant
*piolín: Vesre for limpio, “clean.”
Photo source: http://arsushuaia.blogspot.com