From our 1940s Tango Dance Guide series:
In a recent post we featured some beautifully hand-drawn ads from the Santa Fe publicity agency from 1943. By early 1944, the scene had changed, and for reasons unknown to me, the El Mundo newspaper's dance guide no longer accepted graphical ads of that kind. All ads were set in standard, reusable type. Photographs of the artists could still be included, although that was about to change, too.
[Click on the photo for high-res view.]
But the folks at the Santa Fe agency were artists, and an artist has to do whatever he or she does in an artistic way. To that end, here's an ad for an appearance by one of the well-known orchestras, dated 28 October 1944. The bandleader, his two singers, and the glosa artist (the glosa was a spoken introduction at the beginning of each song) are not named, but only seen in photographs. Kind of cool, isn't it?
I'm sure all tango aficionados will recognize the bandleader and perhaps the two singers as well, but how many of you can name the glosa artist right off the bat? I couldn't. I had to research it. If you know all four names, I invite you to leave a Comment below. (No cheating!)