A couple of readers asked me about the prominent ad for Ricardo Malerba and his singer Orlando Medina that was visible in the newspaper spread in my last posting. You're right, it's unique and ambitious, though it's not necessarily successful as a design, in my opinion. But its certainly worth a look. Scroll down and have a look. You can click image for a higher-res view.
[The color pic to the right is mine, shot at Obelisco Tango.]
[El Mundo, 16 May 1944]
Ocean Dancing was a slightly seedy club on Leandro N. Alem street in the El Bajo district of BsAs, down by the docks. A respectable woman would not go there without a dedicated escort. Other clubs in the area included Montmartre and California Sky (with a doorman dressed as a cowboy). Despite its low reputation, a lot of the popular orchestras played Ocean Dancing, including Malerba, Pedro Laurenz, Ciricao Ortiz, Miguel Caló, and Edgardo Donato.
Here's the scene on the street in front of Ocean Dancing. I wish we could see some of those leaflets lying in the street!:
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